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Research & Development

The R&D division responds effectively to the aerospace market standards in compliance with EASA regulations. Specialists in the design of complex systems with high tecnological content, dedicated to obtaining the best safety performance. Dieseljet DOA is the ideal technological partner for the realization of innovative solutions dedicated to the aeronautical sector.

Technology and Product Innovation

Technological research is of primary importance for customer support activities and to develop new advanced solutions. Electronic assets evolve to match the main avionic standards and to meet the market demand.
Dieseljet is constantly working to improve its products and one of the leading concepts steering innovation is the weight reduction.
Performances are continuously adjusted to reach the best behavior in flight.

Mechanical Design

The development of the engine and its parts is regulated according to the high standards imposed by EASA to guarantee the production of certified products. The main logic that guides the design activities is the minimization of weight while respecting functionality and performance.
The design of our engines starts from the definition of a conceptual scheme that effectively responds to all product requirements.
The entire development process exploits IT technologies to ensure traceability of the activities performed, reduction of operating time and consequent reduction of design costs.

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Electronic Design

The HW & SW development are internally regulated and approved by EASA. All the activities are supervised by Dieseljet quality department following an aeronautics approach. The SW department is able to set up a complete development process for a typical engine control system, starting with a system specification, passing through coding and finally reaching a ready-to-flight version.

Main features of our development process are:

  • Modelling and auto-coding 
  • Test SIL at model level and code level
  • Test HIL with full redundancy configuration
  • Test on engine complete configuration
  • Real-Time SW calibration at Flightstand

DieselJet S.r.l.
Headquarters: via Nuova 27, 40057 Granarolo dell’Emilia (BO) Italy

Test Facilities: via Marabini, 11 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO) Italy

Tel: +39 051 19934651 – email: 
VAT IT03342070400 – SDI Code SUBM70N
Capital Stock € 1.000.000

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